Risk Management assignment and waiver

1. EVERYONE must complete the waiver and return a signed copy to us. The waivers should be provided ASAP but no later than June 30. Waivers should go to Professor Jeremy Kerr, Biology Department, University of Ottawa, 30 Marie Curie, Ottawa ON, K1N 6N5 or fax it to the attention of Professor Kerr at 613-562-5486.

2. Those who could not attend the risk management seminar must complete the risk management assignment, described below. The assignment is due June 30.

Watch the videos of the presentation posted on the main course page (not this blog) and create an Individual Risk Assessment. The idea of a risk assessment is to identify potential threats to personal safety, their likelihood and severity, and ways to minimize them. These are discussed in detail in the presentation and you are encouraged to think of others. Your risk assessment assignment should evaluate the severity of risk relative to likelihood of incurring that risk. It should address two examples of risks you might incur, one of which should be particular to an urban area, and another of which is particular to field settings (e.g. while in the Serengeti). State each risk clearly and describe it. Evaluate and defend its likelihood and severity. Identify clear strategies to control the risk (i.e. to reduce its likelihood, or minimize its severity). State an appropriate and effective response if you incur the risk. There is no single set of "right" answers, but assignments must demonstrate analytical thought and risk preparedness.

Email completed assignment to Rachelle and Jeremy (rachelle.desrochers@gmail.com, CC to jkerr@uottawa.ca) by June 30. At the same time complete the waiver, linked below, and send to us by post or bring it to us physically at the Department of Biology (Jeremy: Room 373 Gendron Hall, or bring to secretary in Biology office).
Professor Jeremy Kerr
Department of Biology
University of Ottawa
30 Marie Curie
Ottawa, ON K1N6N5

Waiver link: http://www.macroecology.ca/tanzania/waiver.pdf
The waiver will be available soon after the server hardware is fixed and the web site remounted.

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