Dear Tanzania field coursers

Just a reminder:

We have to buy flights to and from Tanzania as soon as possible. This will enable us to get a much less expensive flight. We need you to do TWO things right away. Believe me: we hate asking for money but we have to get going with this flight booking or risk much higher costs later. So...

1. Send us course fees (see below)
2. Give us your name AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR PASSPORT (e.g. JEREMY T KERR), your date of birth (e.g. January 1, 1844), and whether you will choose to depart from Toronto or Ottawa. (So, three points of information). We can't book flights without all this. Contact me if you have other questions - we are here to help. Remember to stay abreast of the course updates at and

We need you to send the University of Ottawa the course fees. We estimate that the course fees will amount to $4850 for this year's version of the course, actually the least expensive yet. We believe that this will fully cover the costs and we will let you know of our progress. I know this is a drag: travel to Tanzania is expensive.

Please send us the fees ($4600, so the $4850 less the $250 deposit) as soon as you can, or according to arrangements we have discussed individually.

Cheques should be made payable to:
University of Ottawa

Do not make them payable to an individual or to our department.

Please mail the cheques (and preferably use a CERTIFIED cheque or money order), or give them directly, to:

Doreen Smith 
Department of Biology
University of Ottawa
30 Marie Curie Pte
Ottawa ON K1N6N5

Our financial officer reminds me that sometimes cheques are returned with "Not sufficient funds" (i.e. they bounce). This causes the Department to incur a large banking fee that they will then ask you to bear. It's on the order of $75, so PLEASE DON'T SEND THE UNIVERSITY A CHEQUE THAT WILL BOUNCE. A certified cheque or money order should eliminate this problem. 

Course page back up

As you know, there was a very unfortunately timed hardware problem on the course web server here at University of Ottawa. The computing services folks have helpfully restored the site and its content is fully functional. The site includes things like links to the course waiver and the risk management seminar.

Here it is: